<%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1) %>
MS SQL Database Order Form
(All Fields marked ** are required)
Account Domain Name: (which will use MS SQL)
Customers Name:
Company Name:
E-mail: (Must be a valid e-mail address)
MS SQL Server database settings
In order to create your MS SQL Server database we need you to tell us the following:
Database Name:
This is the name given to your database. You will see this name displayed when managing your database using your preferred tools.
Database Username:
This user will be the database administrator and will have full control over your database.
Database Password:
This is the password for the user account specified above. You will use both the username and this password to login to your database.
Confirm your password:
Special Instruction:
++++ Select Your Optional Extras Below ++++
MS SQL Server Data: €100 Euros per month
MSSQL Server is the most powerful database available for the web today and is the solution used by many Corporate and Financial institutions worldwide. You can create MSSQL Server databases on your account and have full control of them via the Microsoft Enterprise Manager or ODBC.
By clicking the below "I Agree" Button you are agreeing to our Terms, Conditions & Policies.


Telephone Support @ 353 93 47919
